Walking in the Woods

A few days ago, our friends came over and picked us to go for a visit to the woods at Rioux about half an hour away from our home. Needless to say in the confinement of the car we all four wore our facemasks.

These special woods are covered with wild daffodils. Many of the daffodils were still in buds. Perhaps we arrived a few days early or as we saw later quite a few families had picked up bundles of flowers. That is why on arrival I did not notice the daffodils.

Walking actually into the woods, we did noticed hundredes of daffodils

There were also quite a lot of wild primroses

Another wild flower that I love to see in the woods around here is Asphodel. Now they are still shooting up.

This picture we took in previous years, of asphodels in flower. They are majestic – I feel.

I also love the flowers of Pulmonaria. They are favourite colour. The common English name is Lungwort, as the leaves somwhat reminds one of lungs.

I often see abandoned buildings in the countryside, like some archaeological site. I wonder about the family that must have lived in this one; the children that grew up and played in the forest.

All countrysides specially in remote rural areas look to me neglested and yet at the same time loved. An abandoned house or an old dead tree that perhaps the children used to climb or swing from it,

A little further and we came across a small farm. A beautiful horse lonely in a field

And a road sign that I must have missed when I learnt the highway code

First I noticed one lonely sheep, perhaps expecting a lamb,

And further along we saw the rest of the flock and one proud sheep with her lambs.

A most pleasant walk in the woods, despite the confinement.


21 thoughts on “Walking in the Woods

  1. I am very fond of lungwort myself especially as it attracts the hairy-footed flower bee. The resemblance of the leaves to diseased lung led herbalists to try, unsuccessfully, to treat lung ailments with extracts of the plant.


    1. thelivesofk

      Thank you, Philip. I am glad that you share my love of lungwort. I just wish we had a pretties common name for it in English. Here in France they just call it pulmonaria. At least that sounds a bit more exotic!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You are a few weeks ahead of us in gaining your springtime weather. We still are only showing hellebore and now snowdrops too. Today it is sunny and 15⁰C. The three einraumbeute beehives here in our garden showed flying bees yesterday 10⁰C and today again. It is such a relief to see them flying again after their winter stop isn’t it? I have seen bees on the hazelnut trees actually gathering pollen and in the snowdrops which I pinched (thinned out) as sleeping bulbs from elsewhere in the garden about a month ago to distribute in a whole row of mole hills. Bees are brilliant at finding new foraging it seems as are the finches and blue and black tits that live here. It takes less than 24 hours for word of beak to pass that The Two Legged One has put seed down in a new place. Take Care and keep enjoyment high on your agenda.


    1. thelivesofk

      So glad that I could share with you our walk in the woods. This week I’ll be doing our spring inspection of the bee hives. Looking at the plate under the hives, I am certain that each have at least 3 to 4 frames of brood. I hope they don’t all swarm early. Our plum tree in full bloom now and that is only some 20 metres away from the hives. I see lots of pollen brought in all hives.


    1. thelivesofk

      We are fortunate that the weather is generally mild here and in the countryside we are much more free to walk in the woods and enjoy our own garden.


  3. Malcolm Gillham

    Thanks for that – you have given me reason to be excited about returning to France as soon as possible to enjoy the Spring, but also panic: I planted some fruit trees in January – in waterlogged soil – and hearing that your plum tree is already in flower, I’m concerned that they may need my attention very soon to ensure they are well rooted!


  4. Thank you, such comforting images. One of my favorite road signs in this area is like yours, with the sheep, and underneath “troopeau”. A month ago we had a very large troopeau of sheep and goats moving through our area, with a shepherd in correct hat and three dogs. They must have been coming down from the mountains (the transhumance), and I tried to imagine how they found their way through all the villages and departmental roads.
    bonnie near carpentras


    1. thelivesofk

      Thanks for your comment. We are both lucky to be able to enjoy the peaceful countryside, despite the confinement. There is a whole lots of stories we could write on the life around us, I am not exactly sure where you are but I hope that our paths can cross and you can come and see our part of the world – the Charente-Maritime (17). Best wishes – Kourosh


  5. Exquisite photos! Wild daffodils?! How extraordinary! We don’t have those here. That must be amazing to see. Thanks for sharing all these lovely photos. How magical to stumble upon abandoned buildings. I share your intrigue at who must have lived there and what gardens they must have had. Love the sheep sign.


    1. thelivesofk

      I am so glad that I could share with you some of my enthusiams of the countryside around here. You must pop over and we can all go exploring the countryside. It is beautuful at this time of the year. I find old building, not sad, but nostalgic. The people that lived and loved, the family that grew up and then dispersed. I hope that you will have a great spring and summer.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely to see the spring flowers and the lambs! Thank you – especially as your season seems to be ahead of us here. I guess you know that lungwort got its name due to the medieval ‘doctrine of signatures’ – any plant resembling an organ of the human body was believed to be good for treating disorders of that organ.


    1. thelivesofk

      Thank you, Cathy. Some of the old “medicinal remedies” were not always effective, but I am sorry that with the use of modern medicine we have at the same time lost some good old wisdoms. Today in the garden it was 19 degrees C ! Tomorrow, I have promised Amelia we will take a break and make a flask of coffee and go to the beach. I miss the sea air. – Kourosh

      Liked by 1 person

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