The garden in the longest days

The hours of sunlight at the moment are at their annual peak.  It made me wonder what are my favourite plants in the garden at this time.  Obviously I can spend a long time watching the action on the lavender when it is sunny.

Our Fuchsia has become immense and performs a sterling service covering a difficult part of the front garden.

It has provided several babies that are well on their way to perform the same service in the back garden.

They are always full of bumble bees and so keep the garden from being too quiet.

The everlasting sweet pea plants seed themselves into the same area.  I love these as I have never been able to grow the more conventional sweet peas that do so well in the U.K.

The Larkspur comes up in shades of blue, white, pink and pale lilac wherever it has found a free patch of ground and I cannot imagine summer without them..

My Hydrangia this June is putting on a surprisingly good show having been well supplied with rain, for a change.

I do have some plants that do not attract bees.   The Pierre de Ronsard was one of the first flowers to be planted.

It was my husband’s choice for outside the front door.  This year it has been beautiful.  Once again, the plentiful rain must agree with it.

I have planted a number of Hypericum and the bright yellow flowers are lighting up a number of spaces that were dull.  These have improved the summer garden.

However, I think the stars of the summer garden are the Malvaceae, like the Lavatera above.

Hollyhocks are emblematic of the Charente Maritime and I try to have as many as I can squeeze in the garden.

This picture was taken just after 7 o’clock in the evening and already the Tetralonia malva bees were settling down for the night inside the Hollyhock.

I often find them still abed up to 9 o’clock in the morning, so I must have plenty of Hollyhocks to provide them with shelter and me with the fun of finding them.

23 thoughts on “The garden in the longest days

    1. As the natural areas shrink our gardens become even more important little sanctuaries for all types of bees. They love all the vegetable flowers like the beans and the courgette/squash flowers too. Amelia


  1. A very pretty rose Amelia. I love seeing hollyhocks but the ones hhave grown always get rust and eventually disappear. Perhaps I should try again in the new garden. How lovely to see the bees curling up in them for the night!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I thought rust was a part of the hollyhock plant ….. never saw one without it. Too bad, they are charming, my grandma grew them in Indiana. Don’t remember if they had rust, I was 8 years old.
        bonnie in provence

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  2. Your fuchsias are just amazing, I don’t think we see them down here in the Vaucluse. I too have Pierre Ronsard which was here when I moved in. The flowers are beautiful but always hanging down, disappointing really. I would never plant it, but as its here it can stay. I just wish it would look up!
    bonnie in provence

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is very popular over here and well-known but people think it is an old rose because of its name. The full flower is very blowsy and wanton with a hint of green in the outer petals. Amelia


    1. Rain is so good for the garden but it is better for me because I find it tiring to water when it gets really hot. When we get a hot spell (like now) I always wait until the sun is way down but even then the temperatures are still high. Amelia


    1. According to Michener they are in the tribe Eucerini. I think the long antennae are another feature that makes them so appealing but nothing beats their habit of settling down for the evening inside a flower :). Amelia


  3. Jason Kay

    Wow that Fuchsia is immense! I’ve never seen one that size. I love hollyhocks but stopped growing them because of rust. I’m giving them another try this year after a long hiatus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the consensus view is that it might be difficult to separate the hollyhocks from the rust. Mine do tend to look a bit scraggy at the base. The trick is to only look at the flowers 🙂 Amelia


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