La Genette

Genette in van

The other day my friend Annie came rushing in, telling me to come as she had something she knew I would want to see.

Genette in cage

The trapper had caught a Genette (Genetta genetta ) in his trap.  Annie’s husband Yvon is the representative of the French Hunting Association in the area so the trapper brought the Genette so that its capture could be noted and they could discuss a suitable place for its release.  The Genette is protected in France and is rarely caught in traps and even more rarely seen in the wild as it is nocturnal and avoids human habitation.  It is carniverous and will eat any small rodents such as wood mice.

Genette long body

I was fascinated to be so close to such a beautiful but savage animal.  It has a very long body and a beautiful coat, I could understand why it used to be hunted for its fur.  It did not seem at all upset to caged in the middle of the day and was taking the extra attention very stoically.  A loud noise made it go on the defensive and it snarled revealing an impressive set of teeth.  It changed from passive pussy cat to serious predator in seconds.

Genette head

I’m afraid the excitement was too much for me and the pictures are a very poor quality.

Only the pregnant females have a fixed den so I’m sure the Genette will not object to being transferred to new hunting grounds.